The balancing act of leading change
Leading change in an organisation can often feel like an elastic band. You push hard to stretch it and when you stop pushing it goes back to it's original state. Why is that? People form habits - new employees quickly identify what are the social norms in a company and adopt those habits. Organisations have collective memories. If you want to fundamentally change the behaviour of an organisation you either need to start small or shock the organisation - bankruptcy, mass redundancies are the obvious shocks to a business that can trigger alternative behaviours. So let's look at the ying and the yang of change. Change creates consequences - some intended - some unintended. Objectives, Goals, Targets and Measurement So you want to create some change. Well a classic management technique to drive change is put it in people's objectives. Well formed objectives follow the SMART acronym. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and...