
Showing posts from April, 2020

Post corona virus world - predictions for business

So will the corona virus create a long term change in society? Making predictions about the future is difficult so I've probably got it wrong however that's not going to stop me. Humans are mostly driven by habit.  We have developed some pretty deep habits pre corona virus so it's not guaranteed anything will change long term.  Once the fear element is removed we may all revert to previous behaviours.  Equally on the flip-side -  if we are in lock-down long enough and the fear persists long after lock-down then we  may actually develop new habits replacing old habits. Maybe in 20 years we will all be still socially distancing.... Ignoring human behaviours - its pretty certain the state of business after corona virus will be different compared to before it and it will have a large economic effect on a global basis. Many businesses may have burnt through their cash reserves.  Some businesses will have benefited significantly and built up a mountain of cas...